
Podiatry located in Hurst and Dallas, TX

Bunions services offered in Hurst and Dallas, TX

Bunions cause a bony bump at the base of the big toe on the side of your foot. But a bunion is more than a painful bony bump. It’s a foot deformity that develops from the misalignment of bones. At Total Foot and Ankle Care in Hurst and Dallas, Texas, Amir Azer, DPM, and the team provide expert care for bunions. To get help, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

Bunions Q & A

What are bunions?

Bunions, also called hallux valgus, are a foot deformity of the bony framework that makes up the front part of the foot. Instead of pointing straight, the bone in the big toe (phalanx) leans towards the second toe, while the long bone (metatarsal) that connects the toe to the foot leans towards the inside of the foot.

These structural changes affect the joint that connects the phalanx to the metatarsal — the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. The misalignment of the bones irritates and inflames the MTP joint, causing it to enlarge, creating that painful bony bump.

Bunions are a progressive condition that develops over the years. Getting treatment for your bunions during the early stages may prevent or delay foot pain.

What causes bunions?

Foot mechanics and foot structure are the primary causes of bunions. Most people with bunions have an inherited foot type that affects the movement and structure of the foot. Too much pressure on the front part of your foot may cause the bones to shift, leading to the bunion.

Your shoes don’t cause bunions but can make them worse. 

When should I see a podiatrist for bunions?

You should schedule an appointment at Total Foot and Ankle Care for your bunions as soon as you notice the structural changes in your feet. Early diagnosis and care for bunions may help prevent or delay the shifting of the bones and the development of the painful bump. 

The team at Total Foot and Ankle Care reviews your symptoms and examines your feet and how they move when you walk. They can diagnose bunions after a history and physical but may request X-rays to assess the degree of your foot deformity.

What are the treatments for bunions?

The Total Foot and Ankle Care team takes a conservative approach to care, only performing surgery when needed. During the early stages of your bunion, the team may recommend:

  • Wearing shoes with a wide toe box
  • Using foot pads to reduce pain at the bony bump
  • Avoiding activities that aggravate bunions (e.g., standing for long periods of time)
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain
  • Icing
  • Custom-made orthotics

The team may recommend bunion surgery if conservative measures fail to reduce your pain. Your podiatrist at Total Foot and Ankle Care customizes your surgical plan to get you the best possible outcome. 

For expert bunion care, call Total Foot and Ankle Care or schedule an appointment online today.